Cebu City (3 October) -- A proposal to extend the clinical exposure hours and add more units to critical nursing subjects aimed at uplifting the quality of nursing graduates today will be the subject of a public hearing for the Visayas Region on October 24 in Cebu City. Dr. Jucel Ann Jumao-as, education supervisor II of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED-7) said the public hearing later this month will tackle the new Nursing Policy Guidelines and Standards where stakeholders from Region 7, 8, 9 and 10 are expected to attend. Jumao-as in a recent PIA Kapihan in celebration of Nurses' Week from September 28 to October 3 said the products of nursing graduates today are not so competent compared with the nursing graduates in the 1980s and the previous years. New nursing graduates today lack competence even in the command of English and more importantly, in skills and knowledge, according to Juamo-as. Out of a scale from one to 10 with 10 as the highest score, Jumao-as rated today...
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