The Riverstone Castle Resort can be found in Cantig-a Jomgao, Argao Cebu. It is actually 3 hours travel from Cebu City. If you have your vehicle, get ready with your P500 worth gasoline and your swimsuit for enjoyment with their well design pool. The Riverstone Castle was biult at the great expense and well decorated with all rocks from Argao River and all wood "Tugas and Balayong". The Riverstone Castle architecture is brilliantly patterned from enchanting European castles tropically designed in the middle ages that grows a wealthy trade since it is an eco tourism and second to none in the Philippines. In short the first Philippine Castle pattern after Medieval Europe. Inside you will be greeted by the Prince and Princess The Riverstone Castle Murder Wall The Riverstone Castle Reception. P40 for old and P20 for young. Free for 5 years old below. This is the underground Riverstone Castle restaurant. Tough man usually have drinking session here while the ladies dance from t...
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